2022 03 31

A dream has come true!

Mountains of all sorts have always attracted me. I remember being a kid and me and a friend brought a rope for the first time to the hill nearby where we lived and actually set a new (probably stupidly risky) route on the steepest section. A few weeks ago, I ceased the opportunity when Covid-restrictions now let up to go to Scotland and climb Ben Nevis

Like other climbers I often get the question about what the big thing is here, and I believe most climbers have their personal response. Mine is about the peaks. The total freedom in the feeling of being on top of the world (even if it’s not the Everest). It’s a journey to that top. It could be a hike with some scrambling, a climbing route with beautiful moves or a gully approached with skins on skis ending up in a final section where crampons and axes needs to come on and out. It doesn’t really matter. It’s about getting higher and higher. Just you and the mountain.

I’ve realized that feeling is something so important to me that I need to incorporate that in my everyday life. Sure, I could have chosen to go live at the foot of a mountain, trained to become a guide and had the peaks as my workplace, but life put me on another path, which I’m also very happy with. 

But still! I use almost every minute I get away from work and family to go outdoor, running, hiking, climbing and skiing. The mountain is in my company logo. I arrange leadership trainings in Swedish National Parks. I’ts there. The pandemic has shown us that we can collaborate outside the workplace, and recent research points out our need of nature experiences and that decision making is positively affected by nature. Exposed to natural scenes, we tend to make decisions with a long term impact instead of focusing on a shorter perspective. Reach out to me if you are an honest bookworm and want to know more on that reference!

And now it has come to the point where I put my foot down and say I don’t want to spend more time in conference rooms. For new clients, I work either digitally or outdoor. Nuff said.

See you outside!

Johan Norrfjärd
I work with people driven business development. Simply because I want to give momentum to the right kind of transformation. The transformation coming from vertical development that creates a better world for current and coming generations. I strive for trust, happiness and freedom in all collaborations and co-creations.
CoCreate – a way of challenging the consultancy business

CoCreate – a way of challenging the consultancy business

Mid-pandemy, I had a small digital after work with Johan Welander, a wise friend of mine. He, just as me, is running his own business, is into public speaking and also a high level HR nerd. He said that three years into being self employed and gigger, he started to have the same questions popping up as after a couple of years at earlier workplaces: Is this really forever? What is my next step? Where do I go from here?

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Heard of hell week?

Heard of hell week?

I just had a hell month. This autumn, September just flew by. I have never had so much to do, and I’m totally grateful for the opportunities presented to me by my clients and partners. It comes as the same time as a puppy enters my family (and office), my youngest son starts a new school and my wife starts a new job. And now, out on the other side where I’m grateful the light in the tunnel wasn’t a train, it got me thinking…

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Reflections after Beyond Retreat in Fulufjället national Park 2021

Reflections after Beyond Retreat in Fulufjället national Park 2021

Busy is the new stupid. Those words flashed by on LinkedIn a while ago. And it stills seems legit. The last year has taught me the importance of unscheduled time. Not without direction. But with focus on my own inner direction. This autumn started with the possibility to come back to that inner direction in the best way possible. Together with Siri Wikander and Niklas Lindhardt, I brought 10 leaders from different businesses to Fulufjället national Park for Beyond Retreat. And these are my key takeways from this cocreated journey.

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Time flies when you have fun!

Time flies when you have fun!

And this year really flew away! I have been privileged not to be affected too much by the pandemic and the last months I have been doing so much fun things, but now summer is sneaking into my life more and more and it is soon time for a few weeks out of office. But first I must share some great news!

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The Hybrid workplace – yet another new normal?

The Hybrid workplace – yet another new normal?

So I’m finally joining in the chant of the prophets on how to organize our work life post the pandemic. But I want to add a perspective I haven’t seen so much of, and that I find crucial – a growth mindset. I hope this article can give you interesting reading as well as practical tips on how to make a transition towards a growth mindset, which I see as one of the most important prerequisites in to the next new normal. and the next. And the next…

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Do you want to punch me in the face?

Do you want to punch me in the face?

The topic might be set due to that I’m just now reading the book Våldet (The violence) by Musse Hasselvall and Robert Svensson :). So, punching might of course be equal to give me feedback and share some thoughts.

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A brand new office at Garveriet in Floda!

A brand new office at Garveriet in Floda!

1st of April, Recreatio opens it’s first office att Garveriet (No joke). Garveriet is a really cool place for sustainability-focused businesses. A bunch of startups and small scale companies co-locates there, and I am really proud to call this home from now on.

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Recruiting a Science & Technical Advisor to IPEN

Recruiting a Science & Technical Advisor to IPEN

I get really warm inside every time a former client comes back with a new project. This was really the case when I was contacted by Maria Ekström at IPEN about some recruitment support. Together we have got deep into the IPEN’s needs in a growth process that implies a transition into a new organization and adding needed competence to the organization.

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