Johan konfererar i fåtölj
2020 11 20

The Mindshift Conference – our shared commitment to growth that matters

Trots pandemi och ökade restriktioner har jag gått och småmyst den senaste tiden med en fin känsla i magen.

Varför? Därför att för några veckor sedan var jag en av drygt 600 personer från hela världen som lyssnade på ett antal kloka thought leaders på MindShift anordnat av Handelshögskolan, Karolinska instituet, Ekskäret Foundation och 29k.

Och som bilden tydligt visar – det går att gå på konferens även 202, och till och med göra det ganska bekvämt för sig.

Så vad är det viktigast jag ta med mig från denna konferens då?

Om vi ska nå de globala målen och faktiskt lämna vidare en jord till nästa generation så behöver vi göra ett skifte. Hållbarhetsutmaningarna är inte bara tekniska. De kräver den ett mindshift. Så som vi känner lärande – undervisning – kommer inte att ta oss dit. Vi behöver utvecklas på ett helt annat plan – genom meningsfulla samtal. Vertikal utveckling. Det räcker inte att några få skiftar. ALLA måste träna och skapa en förflyttning. Det vi i Sverige känner som folkbildning är en brilliant plattform för vertikal utveckling som vi nästan glömt bort.

Pandemin är en möjlighet till en nystart. Som Micael Dahlén så fint uttryckte det – Förändring gör vi tillsammans. Goda gärningar smittar, så låt oss smitta genom att ta hand om varandra. Sträck ut en hand till någon du inte pratat med på länge som du önskar att du skapat lite space att samtala med. För förändring uppstår inte i de vanliga hjulspåren, de uppstår när du vågar vara lite i periferin 🙂

Jag har lovat mig själv att i varje uppdrag jag tar försöka bidra till en vertikal utveckling och jag hoppas och tror att mitt jobb kan göra skillnad, inte bara för att underlätta samarbete på en arbetsplats eller skapa en bättre arbetsmiljö, men också att öppna ögonen för ett skifte så att vi kan skapa en hållbar arbetsmarknad och ett hållbart samhälle för kommande generationer. Hört av dig om du vill prata mer om Mindshift!

Johan Norrfjärd
I work with people driven business development. Simply because I want to give momentum to the right kind of transformation. The transformation coming from vertical development that creates a better world for current and coming generations. I strive for trust, happiness and freedom in all collaborations and co-creations.
Overwhelmed, grateful, inspired and in a stew!

Overwhelmed, grateful, inspired and in a stew!

Sitting in the SJ lounge waiting for my train back home after three beautiful days at the IDG summit 2023. Scared by the crass truth about climate change. Touched by international speakers. Happy for meetings with people I never thought I’d sit down and talk to and inspired to work with a brilliant framework for inner development. Big words? Yes, and let me explain how this also might relate to you.

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Leadership development in theory, practice, and philosophy

Leadership development in theory, practice, and philosophy

When I started Recreatio, I got advice on how to package my services and what assignments to look for. I listened but decided to follow my heart and combine assignments within team development and HR (which I considered “safe” as I already knew I was good at it) with the more unchartered territory of developing my leadership development philosophy as well as programs for managers and leaders.

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Open AI on the effects of nature exposure

Open AI on the effects of nature exposure

Lot’s of buzz on AI in general and ChatGPT in particular. Listened to an episode of the Swedish podcast “AI för ledare och CXO:er” (well worth the 60 minutes!) and decided to give it a try. And here’s what I got when I asked it to “Write me a 400 word blog post on how decision making is affected by nature exposure”.

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So much to do, so little time…

So much to do, so little time…

The topic definitely sounds like a highly stressful situation, but this autumn passed with a flow for me, and I want to share some of my strategies for juggling the everyday life as a parent, entrepreneur (don’t really like that word), dog owner, a person reluctant to say no to fun things and being a husband. I know I preach to hold space for dialogues, reflection and inspiration. But do I take my own medicine?

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Same same but different?

Same same but different?

Quite a few of us have had a break during summer. A time with fewer stimuli and impressions, less important decisions to make (except from what ice cream to choose) and more time outdoors. No, I don’t say everyone have been sleeping in tents and enjoying the mountains but walking bare feet on grass and swimming in lakes and sea also counts. And we don’t just need that as a break, we need a little more other that all year around to decrease stress and keep the course forward.

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Living in the moment

Living in the moment

”A minute to learn. A lifetime to master” was written on the box of the game Mastermind when I was a kid. I never thought so much about it then, but nowadays I think it applies to a lot of the things in life. Just this week, three different persons said to me “seems like you enjoy your life right now”, and yes, I do. Don’t know if that means I have mastered life yet, but I hope I’m on my way and here are a few secrets to that!

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A dream has come true!

A dream has come true!

Mountains of all sorts have always attracted me. I remember being a kid and me and a friend brought a rope for the first time to the hill nearby where we lived and actually set a new (probably stupidly risky) route on the steepest section. A few weeks ago, I ceased the opportunity when Covid-restrictions now let up to go to Scotland and climb Ben Nevis

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Bubble hopping – how to get new perspectives on things

Bubble hopping – how to get new perspectives on things

When my six-year-old son asks me what I do at work, my answer is simply “I help people collaborate and a lot of that is about asking them questions to make them think for themselves because they, just as you, most often have the answers themselves. They just need a little time to think.”

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