2022 05 20

Living in the moment

”A minute to learn. A lifetime to master” was written on the box of the game Mastermind when I was a kid. I never thought so much about it then, but nowadays I think it applies to a lot of the things in life. Just this week, three different persons said to me “seems like you enjoy your life right now”, and yes, I do. Don’t know if that means I have mastered life yet, but I hope I’m on my way and here are a few secrets to that!

First, let’s not forget that I’m privileged. Not just as a white cis-normative person with double academic degrees in a democratic country, but climate changes, pandemics, war and geopolitical instability seems far from my everyday life. I have a place to live, I have food on the table, I have people that I care for and that cares for me, I enjoy my work and I have forests and lakes just around the corner. 

So the prerequisites are there, obviously. And they are for a lot of the people I meet regularly. But still so many of them seem not satisfied with their situation, always stretching for new, bigger, better. Perhaps also under pressure from demands, budgets, expectations. I can’t give a recipe for mastering life and always living in the moment always but I believe I have made some choices that made it possible to hold space for the present:

I started my own business. No more unhealthy expectations on ROI or must do’s come from someone else’s decisions and targets. I decide how much effort I put into sales and delivery. I aim for 50% work and 50% for networking, fun projects, and sales. Lonely sometimes, yes, but that can be solved by interesting collaborations and initiatives.

I actively decided to take control over my calendar. A little less time at work, more time outdoors and investing in learning both from coursework and taking time to read. That obviously implies not to subdue for the quest of more money and career advancements. 

I copycat one of my digital nomad friend’s motto on assignments. Jobs can be profitable, fun, and challenging, and two of the three needs to be met for me to say yes to a new client. And I have so far turned down a few opportunities with a great gut feeling.

I spend more time outdoors. It doesn’t need to be complicated. For me, just grabbing a sleeping bag and a stove is simple obviously, but almost every lunch I go for a walk with my dog, and I choose the paths nearby rather than the streets. Meeting with friends and family is a result of the pandemic, but I try to do the same with my clients. This autumn I arrange my first outdoor conference with everyone from a mid-sized company in Gothenburg. Looking forward to that!

Mastering life is a journey, but I believe I’m on the right path. I strive to help my clients to a more sustainable work life, and it would be stupid not to lead by example, wouldn’t it? 😉

Johan Norrfjärd
I work with people driven business development. Simply because I want to give momentum to the right kind of transformation. The transformation coming from vertical development that creates a better world for current and coming generations. I strive for trust, happiness and freedom in all collaborations and co-creations.
Afterworkshop – a pay it forward initiative!

Afterworkshop – a pay it forward initiative!

It takes 10 000 hours to be an expert at something. Or at least so they say. I haven’t counted my hours within Talent Acquisition, Recruitment and Employer Branding, but after about ten years as a consultant within these scopes, I hope I have gained some knowledge – that I’ve found use for at Afterworkshop.

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