2021 05 07

Do you want to punch me in the face?

The topic might be set due to that I’m just now reading the book Våldet (The violence) by Musse Hasselvall and Robert Svensson :). So, punching might of course be equal to give me feedback and share some thoughts.

The topic might be set due to that I’m just now reading the book Våldet (The violence) by Musse Hasselvall and Robert Svensson  So, punching might of course be equal to give me feedback and share some thoughts. 

Let me elaborate just a little to avoid further misunderstandings here. Two years in on my journey as an entrepreneur (actually, I hate that word) I have come to the point where I see my own business prosper and blossom, and at the same time I see the next abyss opening – is there a next level? Can I house all assignments in a good way? Do I want to build something bigger? What consequences does that have. So. A punch in the face strongly needed to wake up!

I started off on my own because an opportunity to be free, have lots of fun, and create and develop relationships with people I want to collaborate with and Co-create with. These values have followed me, and I have started to realize their meaning and importance to me. I have encountered lots of people in the same seat as myself that I today join forces with, exchange ideas together with and relate to. I am so grateful for all of you – Fredrik, Niklas, Siri, Björn, Stefan to mention some. You know who you are. But this that I’m reaching out for now is just a little different. Let me explain…

Just the other day, I reached out in one of my networks and said hey, I need a mentor! And I got just the punch I needed back saying “You’re so wrong. Stop acting like a spoiled Millenial!”. And in the following discussion I realized perhaps a sparring partner is a better description. I need someone that can add perspectives, throw things back at me, sometimes an expert end someone to relate to.

So – If you are a person with experience from starting and building business with a human touch who have experienced that your work life is everything from personal drives and personal relations to client development and ROI and think we could have fun together, please put on your gloves and reach out! I want to walk and talk, web coffee and sparr!

Link to the book tip in the introduction (highly recommended): https://www.adlibris.com/se/bok/valdet-en-bok-om-det-som-lockar-smartar-och-skrammer-oss-9789179650520?gclid=Cj0KCQjwytOEBhD5ARIsANnRjVjOx7H7hcG5rokDMAAK0jUSue4hMRjrTASPr47YT8736ZqmS1zUsT8aAtEXEALw_wcB

Johan Norrfjärd
I work with people driven business development. Simply because I want to give momentum to the right kind of transformation. The transformation coming from vertical development that creates a better world for current and coming generations. I strive for trust, happiness and freedom in all collaborations and co-creations.
Afterworkshop – a pay it forward initiative!

Afterworkshop – a pay it forward initiative!

It takes 10 000 hours to be an expert at something. Or at least so they say. I haven’t counted my hours within Talent Acquisition, Recruitment and Employer Branding, but after about ten years as a consultant within these scopes, I hope I have gained some knowledge – that I’ve found use for at Afterworkshop.

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